In mythology, the spear of Mars was said to tremble or vibrate at impending war or other danger. According to theories of acupuncture the human body mirrors the universe and is seen as part of a cosmic, energetic operating structure, stretching in between the poles Yin and Yang. PPKK creates a short circuit between these two systems.
In response to the ever increasing accumulation of methane in the Earth’s atmosphere, PPKK extracts the audible pressure waves of methane produced in the rumen of a farmed cow’s digestive system. It then transmits these vibrations into a dance pole and channels Mars’ warrior psyche by stabbing his methane infused needle into mankind, thus relieving humanity’s constipation in regards to its gas overproduction.
To do so, PPKK creates a pop-up clinic, where exhibition visitors can sign up to get the treatment. Mars, as therapist, dances around her acupuncture pole and charges the needle with her gravity-defying dance. The vibrating acupuncture needle is then inserted by a professional into the patient's prescribed meridian to effectively enter the human energetic system and consciousness.