PPKK 06.00

In the frame of the exhibition ‘Hey, Mars!’ at Haus am Lützowplatz, PPKK hijacks the spear of the roman god Mars and turns it into an acupunctural device for excessive transcendental redistribution of universal gas.

Berlin, Haus am Lützowplatz

video documentation run-through of PPKK 06.00 immersive participatory performance

Documentation of audience member with audio guide preparing for pop-up clinic in PPKK 06.00 by Sarah Ancelle Schoenfeld and Louis-Philippe Scoufaras for Hey Mars! at HAL Berlin

Documentation of pole dancer performance, acupuncture, and upside-down audience member in  pop-up clinic in PPKK 06.00 by Sarah Ancelle Schoenfeld and Louis-Philippe Scoufaras for Hey Mars! at HAL Berlin

Documentation of pole dancer performance, acupuncture and upside-down audience member in  pop-up clinic in PPKK 06.00 by Sarah Ancelle Schoenfeld and Louis-Philippe Scoufaras for Hey Mars! at HAL Berlin

Documentation of  audience member with acupuncture in  pop-up clinic in PPKK 06.00 by Sarah Ancelle Schoenfeld and Louis-Philippe Scoufaras for Hey Mars! at HAL Berlin

Documentation of upside-down audience member with acupuncture in pop-up clinic in PPKK 06.00 by Sarah Ancelle Schoenfeld and Louis-Philippe Scoufaras for Hey Mars! at HAL Berlin

Documentation of pole dancer performance and upside-down audience member in  pop-up clinic in PPKK 06.00 by Sarah Ancelle Schoenfeld and Louis-Philippe Scoufaras for Hey Mars! at HAL Berlin

Documentation of pole dancer performance  in PPKK 06.00 by Sarah Ancelle Schoenfeld and Louis-Philippe Scoufaras for Hey Mars! at HAL Berlin
Documentation of pole dancer performance in  PPKK 06.00 by Sarah Ancelle Schoenfeld and Louis-Philippe Scoufaras at HAL Berlin
Documentation of pole dancer performance and upside-down audience member in  pop-up clinic in PPKK 06.00 by Sarah Ancelle Schoenfeld and Louis-Philippe Scoufaras for Hey Mars! at HAL Berlin
Close-up of acupuncture needle in pop-up clinic for PPKK 06.00 by Sarah Ancelle Schoenfeld and Louis-Philippe Scoufaras at HAL Berlin
Installation view of dance pole and pop-up clinic in PPKK 06.00 by Sarah Ancelle Schoenfeld and Louis-Philippe Scoufaras at HAL Berlin

Pole Dance: Frznte

Acupunture: Enrico Della Ducata

Part of the exhibition 'Hey, Mars!' at Haus am Lützowplatz, curated by Lydia Korndörfer, 2019.


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